Prices for personalised pet portraits will vary depending on the complexity of the individual commission. These pet portrait prices are intended as a rough guide and are subject to change but please do get in touch for a no obligation quotation based on your exact pet portrait commission requirements.

Gift vouchers for pet portraits (which can be used across my online shop) are available and original drawings and paintings of various breeds of dogs, as well as pictures of horses and cats are for sale online through my shop.
Pet Portrait Price List 2024
Black and White Pet Sketches in Pen, Ink or Pencil
Loose sketches in black and white
- One Pet: From £60 (size A5), £95 (Size A4), £150 (size A3), £220 (A2), £300 (A1)
- Two Pets: From £110 (Size A4), £170 (A3), £280 (A2), £370 (A1)
- Three Pets: From £220 (A3), £320 (A2), £450 (A1)
- Four Pets: From £360 (A2), £510 (A1)
Watercolour/ Gouache Custom Pet Illustrations
- One Pet: From £120 (size A5), £200 (A4) and from £280 (A3), £400 (A2), £580 (A1)
- Two Pets: From £250 (A4), £350 (A3), £450 (A2), £600 (A1)
- Three Pets: From £380 (A3), £500 (A2), £750 (A1)
- Four Pets: From £550 (A2), £850 (A1)
Pastel Pencil Traditional Pet Portraits on PastelMat
- One Pet: From £250 (size A4 *), £350 (A3), £480 (A2), £550 (50 x 70 cm)
- Two Pets: From £380 (A3*), £500 (A2), £650 (50 x 70 cm)
- Three Pets: From £550 (A2), £750 (50 x 70 cm)
- Four Pets: From £750 (A2), £850 (50 x 70 cm)
* Size suitable for head and neck study only
Pet Paintings in Acrylics on Canvas
- One Pet: From £380 (16 x 12″), from £500 (16 x 20″) and from £750 (20 x 30″)
Larger sizes are available or you may consider a smaller series of A5 pet studies in watercolour or pencil.
Prices are the same for whole animal or head.
Please note that hand drawn mock ups and sketches, background details, additional animals within composition or other elements will require a higher fee, based objectively on the extra difficulty/ time involved. Prices exclude framing and postage. Prices may be subject to change.
Some sizes will be practical for one pet or one portrait head. I can paint as many pets as I can practically fit on a page so please let me know your requirements for group portraits and I will be happy to give you a quotation for your needs!
I do not offer mock up sketches as part of the price. Sketches, if requested, will be charged as follows, and will be retained by the artist and sent as digital images to give an idea of how the finished piece will look:
Rough Preparatory Sketches/ Mock Ups for Client:
A5 black and white – £30.00 (digital copy)
A5 colour – £65.00 (digital copy)