Black Labrador Begging, watercolour illustration

Black Labrador Begging, watercolour illustration

Black Labrador Begging, watercolour illustration

Black Labradors might just be the hardest thing to paint in watercolours!  Of course, black can look purple and blue, so there are lots of subtle and beautiful colour variations to find within their lovely glossy coats.  I produced this painting for a range of dog mugs for Hudson and Middleton china.  The original painting is still available in my shop.

Turbot, Food Illustration

turbot fish illustration

I enjoyed drawing this fish with its toad-like skin and eyes.  Despite its strange one-sided appearance turbot is regarded as a delicacy.  It is fished in the North Atlantic and Mediterranean but is in limited supply so tends to be expensive.  For a tasty turbot recipe and advice on how to source this fish and cook it see Great British Chefs guide.

turbot fish illustration
Turbot, watercolour